Who am I?
I was born 1987 in Kyjov, grew up in Bzenec and I´m currently living in Brno.
I studied traditional graphic techniques at the Zlín Private Art College.
After graduating, I devoted myself to graphics professionally in parallel with work on my own project "di Valko" - a series of graphic paintings. Through digital painting, I gradually returned to realistic drawing and painting.
The breakthrough for my work was the discovery of my own combined technique (painting, drawing, scraping). In 2019, the collection "Before" was created, the aim of which was to capture of a child's view of the world.
I was inspired by a child's approach to a world where unconditional love and naivety reign.
Lately I have been focusing on painting with bold colors, and I have been putting drawing on the back burner.
I try to immerse myself more in the dream world.
Where could you see me?
2024 Atelier Kateřina Valko: Vančurova 7, Brno - Židenice.
09/2020 Jindřišská vež a E-MOC-E v Praze
8/2020 Umění bez hranic v Brně
11/2019 Galerie 1 apůl v Praze
09/2019 Setkání umělců Jižní Moravy v Drnholci
09/1019 Výstava v městské knihovně v Náchodě
05/2019 Galerie Kotelna Říčany
2020 1st place in painting in the project E-MOC-E

2019 Finalist award